Let me be me!
Edited  by Yura
Basecode : Afiqah Junizan
Owner : Big Boss(imannuraddin)
Number Play

السلام عليكم

Tak tahu nak buat apa?
Memang tak de kerja langsung?
Siyesly korang bosan tahap petala kelapan?

Jangan risau, meh sini kita main!
Nak main ngan aku tak?
Lah...tadi cakap bosan kan?
Kite main number play.

Selalunya word play kan, 
tapi petang ni nak main number play ngan korang.
Biar otak berfungsi sikit!
Hehehe :)

Let's check it out............!!!!!!!!!










{1} I want to tell you a secret look at 5.
{2} The answer is look at 11.
{3} Don't get mad, look at 15.
{4} Calm down...don't be mad, look at 13.
{5} First look at 2.
{6} Don't be angry, look at 12.
{7} I just wanna to say "i love you".
{8} What i wanna to tell you is... The answer is on 14.
{9} Be patient, look at 4.
{10} This is the last time i'm going to do this, look at 7.
{11} I hope you're not mad when i say this, look at 6.
{12} Sorry...sorry... look at 8.
{13} Relax...relax... look at 10.
{14} I don't know how to say this but look at 3.
{15} You must be really mad look at number 9.

Dah hilang bosan?
Dah hilang stress atau makin stress?
Hahahaha XD

Jumpe lagi.
